Sunday, October 5, 2008


What a beautiful weekend. Not only are the Red Sox a mere seven innings from clinching against the Angels, but the Phillies have already stomped the Brewers into submission! Oh, yeah, and we did stuff as a family too! For instance...

Daddy and Katy (Mommy was working) went with Grammy, G-pop, and Aunt Anna to Peddlers' Village to see the scarecrow display. Here's a sampling:

This morning we took a trip to Hawk Mountain. The aptly named escarpment is directly in the flightpath of migrating raptors. Here are some photos of our hike!

The Camelpak becomes "Daddy Boob" She loved it so much, she continued to drink from it when we got home.

Then, this afternoon, we hit Perkasie Fall Fest, where Katy took a pony ride. Sorry for the resolution of the picture. I took it with my phone (forgot the camera).


Katie said...

The more pictures and videos you two put up, the more I desperately want to come visit you! I miss my Bethany! :( And I just KNOW that Katy and Mabel would have so much fun together... if Katy doesn't mind loud people, that is...

Jen said...

Daddy boob - Hee hee!

I think Katy wearing the bandana is my new favorite picture!