Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Katy and I had a lovely weekend in Maryland (Daddy stayed home this time to help out with his daddy, who just had surgery). However, I don't have any pictures for you yet because I forgot my camera and bought a disposable camera to use. The pictures will be ready on Thursday, so I'll post about our weekend then.

In the meantime, Katy is an emergent walker! Last night, her Daddy encouraged her to take some steps on her own, and she did! She was very proud of herself.

Here are some pics from the past couple weeks.

Mommy, I want to wear my hat during breakfast today.
Love my rocking moose!

Whenever we talk to people in public, Katy tells them her name right away, and points to herself. This is a still picture of her doing that, when said, "Where's Katy?" She also says her name and points to herself if she feels like she's being left out of a conversation for too long. We'll try to get it on video - it's so adorable.

This is the elephant I made for Wyatt for his birthday. It was so fun to make! Check out Wyatt at his birthday party this weekend!

Now I'm knitting Katy an earflap hat.


Jen said...

It's always best to be prepared, Katy. You just never know when a cold front might move through the kitchen! =)

That's a mighty cute elephant you made!

Katie said...

Seriously! That elephant is adorable!!!