Tuesday, June 3, 2008

poo happens!

Yay! This morning we tried a... suppository. And it worked! Yay! However, Katy did not seem to be a big fan of the process. Wonder why.

And then we had our friends Missy and baby Morgan come to play. Katy was SO excited to see them. Morgan is 7 months older than Katy, so she's walking and talking. Katy loves to crawl around after Morgan, touch her on the arm, or just watch and listen to her. And the best thing about playdates is chatting with other mamas. I learn a lot from Missy about what to expect in the coming months.

Katy's finally learning what it means to be gentle. "Soft," we call it. She petted Wolfie this morning really softly with NO intervention from Mama.

This afternoon, we're going to meet some other friends (Gwen and baby Carl) at a park. Katy's a social butterfly!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yay Katy! Way to go!