Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life's a Beach and Then You Dry

Sorry for the long blogging hiatus. We were working really hard with breaks for the beach... we've had like NO time. Here are some of the highlights from our recent adventures. In order to get these pictures to you as quickly as possible, we've omitted captions. By now you all know Grammy, G-Pop, Aunt Anna, and of course Katy, Mommy and Daddy.


Jen said...

Oh, how I've missed Katy pictures! Thank you for posting so many! Looks like everyone had a great time!

Katie said...

Okay, first of all... Grammy looks smoking hot in her bathing suit=) ! Secondly, Katy's teeth are sooooo cute! And third, How in the world did you get your body back to pre-baby perfect shape? I hate you for that!