Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fozzie's 2nd Birthday and a Visit from the Ruckers!

Last Saturday, our little Katy (who insists that she is Fozzie Bear) turned TWO! Here are the highlights.

A little overwhelmed to find the house full of people when she woke up from her nap!

Katy's cousin Nicolas was very interested in the opening of presents. He watched respectfully from a very close perspective.
Fozzie loves greeting cards!

Taking her new doll for a spin in her new doll stroller.

Getting ready to blow out the candles.

Here's Fozzie the next day, chilling with the Phillies Phanatic (or "Vannagat"), Sleepy Sam, and Nana.

Jumping on the couch with Nana.

On Thursday, we had a lovely visit with our friends Jen and John and Wyatt.

Here are Katy and Wyatt, enjoying lunch.

Wyatt tries on Katy's Mardi Gras beads.

Now Katy's really getting the hang of opening presents.

Wyatt loves his cup!
Katy and Wyatt go for a walk in the park.

Katy examines some small aspect of nature.

Just being beautiful.

Wyatt is the sweetest child ever, but it looks like he's about to do Katy some serious damage in this picture. Maybe it's a yawn.

A bug lands on Katy's head. Wyatt prepares to exact revenge on bug.

Yummy kisses.

Katy riding bareback with the Phanatic in her lap.

Baking cookies from the seat of her new Broom-Broom.

Scoring a point for her team in a game of Pants and Skins.

1 comment:

Katie said...

LOVE the "Just being beautiful" picture, but my absolute favorite is Katy riding around on her tricycle totally naked! So funny!