Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 weeks of pics

You may have noticed that we haven't blogged for over 3 weeks. We have a lot of pictures to share!

Katy eating blueberries. I found it interesting how she is squatting here. Perfectly balanced, perfectly comfortable, in a position that adults (in our culture) cannot do. When I was in small-town Mexico, I learned that people there crouch like this all their lives, and so they never lose the flexibility. My Mexican friends thought it was funny that I couldn't do it. I am jealous - it's a very efficient position to be in if you have work to do on the ground. Or eat blueberries from a bowl on the floor.

Daddy took Katy to the zoo while Mommy was at work. This is Katy's famous "smile". She can smile, obviously, but when you *ask* her to smile, this is what you get.

Katy hangin' with the zebras. She actually says "hangin' with Daddy, hangin' with Mommy." It's cute.

Hangin' with the giraffes.

We had a really warm day, and I sat out on the deck with Katy while she played with water. She gets all serious, like she's performing brain surgery.

This looked like some strange ritual she was doing. I asked her what she was doing, and she just said "No," in a tone that said "Stop bothering me, Mom."

Laying her clothes out to dry in the sun.

Zach's 30th birthday party! He got many thoughtful gifts, only a few of which are showcased here on the blog.

See the felted wool lunchbag his adoring wife made him? I even put a Z on it! (Ruby, your blanket is almost done! I haven't forgotten about you, honey!)

His parents framed his master's degree diploma.

Katy reading with A-A at Zach's birthday dinner.

Katy helping Daddy blow out the candle.

Katy figured out that banana slices make great yogurt-scoopers!

She also figured out that two forks are better than one!


Katie said...

Oh! Soooo cute! I finally got my Katy fix... I missed her so...

Lisa said...

What a fabulous update! I have to say, the “ritual” pics made me laugh out loud.

And Happy Birthday to Zach – welcome to the 30+ crowd!

Mrb said...

Katy is a little scientist. First a successful water experiment, and she looks like a surgeon with those two forks.

Happy birthday to Zach!