Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 weeks of pics

You may have noticed that we haven't blogged for over 3 weeks. We have a lot of pictures to share!

Katy eating blueberries. I found it interesting how she is squatting here. Perfectly balanced, perfectly comfortable, in a position that adults (in our culture) cannot do. When I was in small-town Mexico, I learned that people there crouch like this all their lives, and so they never lose the flexibility. My Mexican friends thought it was funny that I couldn't do it. I am jealous - it's a very efficient position to be in if you have work to do on the ground. Or eat blueberries from a bowl on the floor.

Daddy took Katy to the zoo while Mommy was at work. This is Katy's famous "smile". She can smile, obviously, but when you *ask* her to smile, this is what you get.

Katy hangin' with the zebras. She actually says "hangin' with Daddy, hangin' with Mommy." It's cute.

Hangin' with the giraffes.

We had a really warm day, and I sat out on the deck with Katy while she played with water. She gets all serious, like she's performing brain surgery.

This looked like some strange ritual she was doing. I asked her what she was doing, and she just said "No," in a tone that said "Stop bothering me, Mom."

Laying her clothes out to dry in the sun.

Zach's 30th birthday party! He got many thoughtful gifts, only a few of which are showcased here on the blog.

See the felted wool lunchbag his adoring wife made him? I even put a Z on it! (Ruby, your blanket is almost done! I haven't forgotten about you, honey!)

His parents framed his master's degree diploma.

Katy reading with A-A at Zach's birthday dinner.

Katy helping Daddy blow out the candle.

Katy figured out that banana slices make great yogurt-scoopers!

She also figured out that two forks are better than one!

Monday, March 2, 2009

A Day in the Park, A Dan Zanes Concert, and Snow!

I don't know about everyone else, but we can't wait for spring in this house. We've decided that if we act like it's spring, then spring will come faster. All this to say that we went on a walk with Katy the other day behind our house, she played in the grass and on the swings, and seemed not to notice that it wasn't seventy and sunny. Also, this Saturday, we went to a Dan Zane's concert in Princeton (Katy told us what dorm she wanted to live in). After that, as it did in nearly the entire readership area of this blog, it snowed!


On the bridge in the park

Rolling around on the ground (what fun!)

Katy in her seat at the concert. She didn't spend much time here, though!

Dancing with Daddy!
Dancing with Mommy (Dan Zanes in the background)!

Dan Zanes and Friends

Snowy in the park!

Katy's new favorite food.

Taking a break with Daddy.