Friday, January 30, 2009

Some pics

Here are some random pics from the past couple weeks.

The yarn I got with a gift certificate for my birthday! YARN! My plan is socks for me with the purple, and several pairs of striped legwarmers for Katy with the rest.


Katie said...

Legwarmers???? So freakin' adorable!!!!! I can't wait to see how they turn out! I wonder if you could make little tiny legwarmers for a little tiny baby who doesn't seem to want to be born... they would be soooo small! =)

Kidding around a little... they would be ultra cute, but I'm not actually asking you to make legwarmers!

I love the new pics of Katy!

Jen said...

I cannot get over how much Katy looks like you in the first picture! A mini Eun! Hee hee!

Nice yarn!