Monday, January 19, 2009

A rough weekend

What could be worse than taking care of a toddler with a stomach bug, who's vomiting and having diarrhea? How about taking care of a toddler with a stomach bug when both you and your spouse also have stomach bugs?

I guess this was a right of passage for all three of us. And we cheated by asking Gabby and Pop (the grandparents formerly known as Grammy and G-Pop) to take Katy off our hands today since she was feeling better and we were still in bad shape. I don't know how we could have gotten through today without them. I can't believe that my family went through a similar stomach bug when I was a newborn, with no family around to help and three kids to worry about. Now that's hard core.

I think we are finally finished actually getting sick, but now it's just dealing with that drained, dehydrated, beaten-to-a-pulp feeling.


Katie said...

Awww! I'm so sorry you all had to deal with that! Glad you're starting to feel better though.

Jen said...

Oh nooooo - hugs from us three to you three! Happy to hear you're all getting better.

Lisa said...

Hope you are all feeling better!!