Monday, January 5, 2009

Mommy is back!

Daddy has been doing all the blogging for weeks (especially when he was home for Winter Break), but now Mommy feels caught up enough to sit down and post some pictures.
First, pictures from my new camera!

Okay, I didn't take this picture, so I guess Zach was using my camera. I was definitely NOT present during the painting-in-the-nice-wool-sweater-from-Ireland session.

Some sort of shenanigans with Grandpa.

Trying on new mittens while Nana holds Toots.
Reading with Daddy. Their new favorite book: Daddy, Could I Have an Elephant?

Some pics from Daddy's camera.
Chewin' on a toothbrush. Big surprise.
New hat, new shoes. Why is it that she wears the storebought earflap hat, but still shuns the homemade mama-love hat???


Katie said...

Great pictures! I love the painting in the nice wool sweater pic! So funny! And it looks like Katy enjoys painting, too. By the way, Mabel loves brushing her teeth too and she has the SAME toothbrushes!

Jen said...

I love Katy's facial expression in the toothbrush picture!

And, I laughed out loud when I read the caption about the sweater from Ireland. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Hello again from Germany,
I still watching your blog and enjoy the growing of Katy.It's amazing how quick the grow, I can't really remember when Annika was a baby! I hope you remember me, many greetings to you all.
Simone from Germany

Anonymous said...

Katy, I understand that your adorable sweater would look even better with a bright blue smear down the front. That would make it one of a kind, just like you!