Friday, December 26, 2008

So this is Christmas

Actually, this is the day after Christmas, Mommy's birthday. This is the last leg of our whirlwind tour this year. Stops along the way have been Grammy and G-Pop's for Christmas Eve, our house for Christmas morning, back to Grammy and G-Pop's for Christmas brunch, then the road to Maryland for Christmas dinner at Nana and Grandpa's. We'll spend Bethany's birthday here and have dinner out with the family, then back to Pennsylvania tonight.

Katy is at the maximum excitement/minimum understanding stage for Christmas, so she's been cheery, if a little misdirected, over the past couple of days. Katy got some really great presents! You can see some below. Yes, Grammy actually made those animals! Her current favorite films are the cartoon of Mickey Mouse doing the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" from Fantasia (which she now watches with a broom in her hand) and Annie. She has also enjoyed dancing to "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" this season. Here are some holiday moments. Ponder Katy's cuteness and despair.


Katie said...

Happy Birthday Bethany! I miss you and hope you're having a wonderful one!!!!

Katy looks totally happy about Christmas! I LOVE the easel!

Jen said...

Merry Christmas to the Fullers! Happy Birthday to Bethany! We were so happy to see you!

Anonymous said...

I like Katy's red coat the best. She looks so absolutely adorable in it, and regal! Happy 30th Birthday Bethany! Now you're as old as me! :) Tom and I are looking forward to seeing all of you in February. We'll celebrate our birthdays then! -Jenny