Thursday, October 23, 2008


Why gnit a gnome? Why gnot?

And just in case you are picturing me knitting away while Katy runs rampant, yearning for her mother's love and attention, I want to restate that I only knit while Katy sleeps. Or if we're at her grandparents' house, and she has plenty of eyes on her. This gnome took me about 2 hours to knit, but that was spread over almost a week!

The Hat

So I made this wool hat for Katy, and every time I try to put it on her, she yells and pulls it off (much like everything else we try to put on her). I was starting to give up on ever getting a good action picture of the hat, let alone getting her to wear it in the cold.

Then this morning, while she was eating breakfast, I had a brainstorm. She wanted to wear a hat at breakfast the other day. Somehow, maybe hats and breakfast are a positive combination in her mind. So I tried putting her new hat on her, and lo and behold...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Trip to Maryland

Katy and I went to Maryland last weekend, and I've finally gotten around to picking up the pictures (Monday) and now finally posting them. Sorry for the delay! I have this very active toddler who needs lots of attention. :)

We started out hanging out with Grandpa Friday afternoon.

Then Uncle Jarrod and Aunt Kristen came over.

Saturday morning we went to visit Katie and Mabel, who were miraculously visiting family in Maryland the same weekend! Katy is in the pack-and-play because she seemed curious about it, and nodded when I asked her if she wanted to get in.

Saturday afternoon we went to Wyatt's birthday party.
Here is Wyatt with the elephant I made him!

Saturday night we went to Uncle Brian and Aunt Shelly's. This Bumbo seat is to prop up little babies who can't sit on their own yet. However, it bears an uncanny resemblance to Katy's potty.

Katy's word for nursing is "boo-BOO" (emphasis on the second boo). She likes to make all her toys have boo-BOO, on me, on her, on each other. And she sticks out her tongue and makes this sucking sound to indicate what is going on. Here she is with Jessica, taking a break from looking at her adorable little cousin, to let these toys have some boo-BOO. Jessica smiles all the time!

Nicolas! He is lots of fun, and VERY full of energy. I love to spend time with him, especially now that he's old enough to hold a conversation with. He is really into the cars from the Disney movie Cars. The funniest thing is that he apparently can't say "hungry" just right, and it ends up sounding like "horny." So he says, "Daddy, let's go kitchen, I so horny!"
Katy got sick with a cold Saturday night, as she often does when we go out of town. We had a rough night, but Aunt Shelly and Uncle Brian took good care of us, and we returned home the next day. Katy is all better now - she was only sick for a few days this time.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A B C Dog

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Katy and I had a lovely weekend in Maryland (Daddy stayed home this time to help out with his daddy, who just had surgery). However, I don't have any pictures for you yet because I forgot my camera and bought a disposable camera to use. The pictures will be ready on Thursday, so I'll post about our weekend then.

In the meantime, Katy is an emergent walker! Last night, her Daddy encouraged her to take some steps on her own, and she did! She was very proud of herself.

Here are some pics from the past couple weeks.

Mommy, I want to wear my hat during breakfast today.
Love my rocking moose!

Whenever we talk to people in public, Katy tells them her name right away, and points to herself. This is a still picture of her doing that, when said, "Where's Katy?" She also says her name and points to herself if she feels like she's being left out of a conversation for too long. We'll try to get it on video - it's so adorable.

This is the elephant I made for Wyatt for his birthday. It was so fun to make! Check out Wyatt at his birthday party this weekend!

Now I'm knitting Katy an earflap hat.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


What a beautiful weekend. Not only are the Red Sox a mere seven innings from clinching against the Angels, but the Phillies have already stomped the Brewers into submission! Oh, yeah, and we did stuff as a family too! For instance...

Daddy and Katy (Mommy was working) went with Grammy, G-pop, and Aunt Anna to Peddlers' Village to see the scarecrow display. Here's a sampling:

This morning we took a trip to Hawk Mountain. The aptly named escarpment is directly in the flightpath of migrating raptors. Here are some photos of our hike!

The Camelpak becomes "Daddy Boob" She loved it so much, she continued to drink from it when we got home.

Then, this afternoon, we hit Perkasie Fall Fest, where Katy took a pony ride. Sorry for the resolution of the picture. I took it with my phone (forgot the camera).

Friday, October 3, 2008

Trying to walk

Every once in a while, Katy decides she wants to try to walk. Especially when we ask her to. These 2 pictures are of her standing up upon my request. Just after this, she took a couple steps toward me, fell to her knees, and then threw herself down sobbing in frustration. Poor sweety.

Hanging out in her room.

Hanging out on the porch.

This is a first: Katy sleeping under a blanket! As you know, parents nowadays do not cover babies with blankets for fear of smothering them. Instead, we swaddle them or just dress them warmly if it's cold. But now that Katy is officially not a "baby" anymore (although she'll always be Our Baby!), I have tried to introduce the blanket as a tool for keeping warm. Well, she HATES it. Even if I am under the blanket with her, she gets all upset. But this morning she fell asleep for her nap earlier than I had expected, and was wearing only a shirt and diaper. It's chilly today! I couldn't bear thinking of how cold she must be, so I put a wool blanket on her little sleeping body. Isn't she cute!?