Monday, September 29, 2008

Just for the record

Although the past few posts say they are posted by Bethany, it's really Zach. But this is Bethany for real. My camera is broken AND lost, so I am not taking many pictures these days. Zach's camera is a behemoth and I hate using it. I've also not had the time to post to the blog because every free moment I get, I'm knitting fiendishly to finish a very special gift for a very special boy in time for his first birthday. :)

Anyway, lest our readers begin to think that Katy's daddy is the only parent that does FUN stuff with her, here is a list of exciting activities that Katy and I frequently engage in together:

talking walks
playing dress-up (Katy pulls clothes out of the laundry basket and I put them on her, layered-like)
playing with toys and stuffed animals
petting the animals nice
singing and dancing

See? So just because I don't plan elaborate projects for Katy to help with, videotape them, professionally edit them with title page and soundtrack, and post them to the blog all in one night DOESN'T mean that I am the boring parent. Right, guys?

Oh, in other news... Katy has been waking up very upset in the night, and we are at a loss to figure out what is going on. I took her to the doctor today, and they checked her out. They said she looks perfectly healthy, but they want to check her urine for a urinary tract infection. If you have ever had one of these, you can understand how awful they are. I am going to try to catch a pee sample in a sterile cup next time she pees on the potty, and take it to the lab. Wish me luck. The doctor also said she's teething (her gums don't look swollen to my untrained eye, but apparently she is), so that could be what's causing her to be so upset. I think we'll be giving her Tylenol before bed tonight. Poor Kate-ster.


Katie said...

While I love all the videos, the thought never even crossed my mind that you are a boring parent, so get that thought out of your head! As for the little Katizzle... poor baby. I hope the tylenol helps and I hope she feels better soon! It seems to me that Mabel's teething bothers her more when she's sleeping than when she's awake, so maybe the doctor is right? I hope that's all it is.

Jen said...

You are NOT a boring mommy! Your post did make me laugh, though - a lot!

And, I know that little boy will just love his elefurtle!