Sunday, April 13, 2008

Some cute pics

I won't talk about you-know-what. I just want to show you some cute pics.

This is Katy's lovey. Does anyone remember who gave this bear to us? Whoever it was, thank you. Katy likes to hold this bear when she's falling asl --- oops, I wasn't going to talk about that. Well, she really likes the bear, let's just leave it at that.

Fun with a peanut butter jar lid. Katy spent a good 20 minutes with this lid, placing it carefully on the floor in front of her briefly, then chewing on it, then placing it back on the floor, then chewing. I wish I knew what was going through her head as she did this.


Jen said...

Katy has the most adorable smile!!!

Katie said...

Katy looks EXACTLY like you in the first picture, Bethany!

Jen said...

I totally agree with Katie! I noticed the same thing!