Friday, April 11, 2008

Nappy Napperton

If you are tired of reading what Zach refers to as my "uni-bomber-esque posts" regarding the Sleep Saga, skip to the next paragraph. Yesterday we learned the disaster that can result from being off the nap schedule. We had a La Leche League meeting at 10, and so instead of going down for her nap at 10:30, she was awake until noon, and fell asleep in the carseat on the way home. This was a short-lived nap, and I tried to get her to sleep in her crib before she woke up entirely, but after a half-hour of screaming, and ignoring my attempts to calm her, she was wide awake, so I got her out of the crib. We tried another nap around 3:30, but again, it was just a lot of crying and no sleeping, so I gave up only because I needed to get downstairs and finish planning my lesson that I was teaching last night. So, basically NO nap at all, ALL day long. I left for class at 6. Zach says Katy was asleep by 6:30, and she woke up at 9! (Finally, some free-time for Zach!) So, when I got home at 9:45 wanting desperately to go to bed, Katy had basically just woken up from a long nap. Luckily, though, she was still fairly tired, and was sound asleep by 11. She had a great night of sleep, waking only once - around 2:30. Today we tried getting back on the schedule - we started the naptime routine at 10:15 - reading, nursing, rocking, getting in the crib (just Katy, not me), singing, shushing, patting. She fell asleep at 10:55. Let's hope this nap lasts for a good hour or so.
In other news, we got a king-sized bed and bedroom set! It took me a few days to get over how absurdly large the bed is, but after a few nights of extra space and the nice firm mattress, not to mention the foot-board, I am convinced that we made the right choice. Here it is:

Katy enjoyed playing with the box that the mattress pad came in. It made a great teether.

Okay, come on Mom, just take the picture so I can get back to playing with the box.
Wait, what are those pink things in the box? Oh right, my legs!! I knew I'd seen them somewhere before.

And some amusing pet stories. First off, Shelby, Mr. All-About Me. We are trying to get Katy to crawl (although I realize we should not be so anxious), so we often sit a few feet away from her and say "Come on, honey, come on!" Shelby assumes that we are calling him, since we use the same tone when we call him, so gets up (grudgingly!) from his dog bed in the other room and comes over to us, as if to say "What now?" Then it's hard to get him to go lay back down. Here I've captured his misunderstanding on film.

And then this morning, I was putting back a few letters in Katy's foam alphabet puzzle mat, and I discovered that the O had absolutely vanished. I gave up looking for it, assuming it would surface eventually. As I stepped out of the shower a while later, I caught a glimpse of Miss Jane sneaking down the stairs with the O in her mouth! I thought she might have it caught on her teeth, so I ran downstairs after her, only to find her in the playroom, sitting possessively atop the O. I guess kitties can have loveys too.


Katie said...

What a CUTE post! I have a few comments:
1) I love the new bedroom set! (How did you ever sleep in a smaller-than-king sized bed WITH the baby?
2) I know that you're working on getting Katy to sleep in the crib for naptime, will this be her bedtime sleeping spot, too? Or will you continue co-sleeping for night time?
3) Mears does the same thing Shelby does when we try to get Mabel to come to us and yes, it's very funny.
4) Do you put Katy down for her naps at the same time every day? Or is it always a certain amount of hours after she wakes up? I do the latter with Mabel but am trying to decide if that's the right way to do it... She seems tired after three hours, but she can wake up anywhere from 6am to 7:30am... I'm just wondering what's best. We have the same nap troubles every Wednesday after Gymboree as well. She ALWAYS falls asleep in the car and is up within 10 minutes.
5)Miss Jane is TOO CUTE with the O. Love that pic too!

Bethany said...

To answer Katie's questions in a public way, in case the rest of you are also wondering...

1) It was a tight squeeze, all 3 of us in a queen-size bed. Well, Katy always had plenty of room, but Mommy and Daddy were squished.

2) Katy is still sleeping in our bed at night, but we are using similar techniques to help her fall sleep "on her own" (aka, snuggling her lovey instead of sucking on the human pacifier). It seems to be working! It's hard to watch her cry when she wants to nurse (even though she's got a full tummy), but what really struck me is how she was almost asleep, but searching for that booby desperately with eyes closed. It really hit home that she just thinks she needs to suck to fall asleep. Breaking that habit is tough.

3) So, Shelby is not the only dog to become confused by commands directed toward baby. I'll have to tell him that - maybe he won't feel so stupid.

4) I'm having the same dilemma, Katie. I'd like to have a regular, predictable nap schedule, but Katy wakes up anywhere from 7 to 8:30. So, a 10 o'clock nap makes sense for a day where she woke up at 7, but not if she woke up at 8:30. I think the key is to have a really consistent bedtime, which we try to do, but are not always successful. But even with a consistent bedtime, I think other variables will always factor in and change what time they wake up. I'm considering using an alarm clock to wake us at 7:30. Is that crazy?