Tuesday, March 25, 2008

8 months old, and Hillary!

Today Katy is 8 months old! Isn't she adorable?

Here are some pics of Katy and Miss Jane. Jane is totally in love with Katy, and wants to be near her at all times.

Yesterday, Zach called me from the car on his way to work to tell me that Hillary Clinton was coming to the college where I teach. So Katy and I cancelled our plans for the day and spent 3 hours at the college. 2 hours in line, and 1 hour standing about 20 feet from the senator as she rallied the crowd to all the causes that are near and dear to the liberal heart. I was impressed by how calm and kind Hillary was. If she means what she says (and she seems to), I'd love to see her in the White House. I'm hoping Barack comes around soon so I can see him too.

Katy stayed awake and happy the ENTIRE time we waited in line and listened to Hillary. Everyone loved Katy, especially the press. However, even though we were interviewed and had our picture taken many times, I can't seem to find our names or picture in any articles online today. Oh well.


Katie said...

Happy 8 month birthday, K Dawg!

Jen said...

You're right, Katy is adorable! I think I'll let John comment on the Hillary portion of the post! =)