Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Back in the saddle

Okay, sorry for the long hiatus. This time, it was just because of technical difficulties, which we've found a way around.

We like to take the Kate-ster out for a walk, even if it's chilly. Especially if it's sunny.

Warm sun + bumpy ride = sleepy baby.

Look who's enjoying the Boppy.

Katy "Tyson" going after Daddy's ear.

Saturday was Grammy's birthday! She got a bunch of Phillies stuff, including Phillies tickets!

Katy watches the festivities from Aunt Anna's lap.

Grammy opens the present I knitted for her.

Grammy tries to figure out what it's for...

Looks like she figured it out!

The serpentine necklace we got her.

Katy loves to look in the mirror. She likes for Daddy to hold her high up while he's sitting in his chair, because there's a mirror on the wall behind him. Tonight, Daddy got tired of holding her up (because she would fuss if she couldn't see herself in the mirror), so he got the smaller mirror off the wall and Katy enjoyed her reflection some more. This way was easier on Daddy's arms.


Jen said...

Yay for pictures!!!! Katy is getting so big! What a precious face she has!

Katie said...

I love the one of Katy Tyson. It looks like she's giving her daddy a superhug!

Lisa said...

Well, of course she wants to look at herself in the mirror - she's ADORABLE!