Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Six months old!

Well, our little Kate-ster is now 6 months old (as of last Friday). She is the light of our lives! I never could have imagined that having a baby was this much fun. I know, it's a big change from my last post, which was awful negative. That was a bad day. For the most part, we have a great time.

Here are some recent pictures, mostly with her Daddy, because these were taken with Mommy's camera. I can't find Daddy's camera right now, but there are some great pics on it, which I will post when I find it.

Here's what Katy and Daddy did the whole time Mommy was at Knitwits last night.

Okay, these two pics require a bit of explanation. Actually, they're funnier without any explanation.


Katie said...

LOVE the close up Katy pics! She is SO ADORABLE! Zach is looking mighty good in his goggles too, by the way...

Jen said...

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Katy!


PS - Uncle Zach, you're silly!

Lisa said...

Happy 6 Months Katy!!!