Friday, November 9, 2007

A busy day at home!

We did a lot today, even though we never left the house! We took a nice morning nap, and I do mean *we*. It was wonderful. Then Great-Funkle Dennie came over for lunch! While he was holding Katy, he mentioned she was biting down on his knuckle. I said "Yeah, she likes to suck on fingers," and he said, "No, she's really biting!" So I started to wonder if maybe she's teething! (Others have mentioned that this might be why she's so sick.)

Grammy got Katy a little wooden bee toy. Katy LOVES to look at it, and today she reached out and touched it. This is the first time I've seen her reach out for something next to her on purpose.

She started biting on my knuckle later in the day, so I washed and froze her new teether and gave it to her. She didn't like it when it was fresh out of the freezer, but after it warmed up a little, she enjoyed it very much. Just for the record, I really don't know if she's teething or not. The books say that probably won't happen until the 5th or 6th month, but all babies are different.

Here she is after Daddy walked her to sleep for a short evening nap.

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