Tuesday, September 25, 2007

2 month appointment

Katy is 2 months old today, and she went to see her doctor for a check-up and vaccinations. It was heartbreaking to see her smile change to a shriek when they jabbed her with the shot. But it wasn't anything a quick feeding couldn't soothe.

Many of us have been commenting on how chubby Katy is getting. Well, here are the facts: Katy weighs 11 lbs, 12.4 oz. She's in the 57th percentile for length (at 22.5"), the 68th percentile for head circumference (genius brain), and the 76th percentile for weight! She is a chunkster! The doctor says this is no cause for concern, and that she's normal, just bigger than average. I attribute it to her avid nursing habit.

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