Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Trip to Maryland

Well, we're still in Maryland, but here are some of the pictures so far...

Katy with Sue.

Katy with Tío Mariano and Tía Marybeth.

Katy with Tío Mariano.

Katy playing airplane with Grandpa.

Katy napping in the guest bed at Nana and Grandpa's house.

Me watching Katy nap.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Katy's Bath in Living Color!

2 month appointment

Katy is 2 months old today, and she went to see her doctor for a check-up and vaccinations. It was heartbreaking to see her smile change to a shriek when they jabbed her with the shot. But it wasn't anything a quick feeding couldn't soothe.

Many of us have been commenting on how chubby Katy is getting. Well, here are the facts: Katy weighs 11 lbs, 12.4 oz. She's in the 57th percentile for length (at 22.5"), the 68th percentile for head circumference (genius brain), and the 76th percentile for weight! She is a chunkster! The doctor says this is no cause for concern, and that she's normal, just bigger than average. I attribute it to her avid nursing habit.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My little girls

Here is fat Miss Jane on our deck. She was so happy to be outside!

Here is little Katy relaxing in a warm bath.

Rip Van Stinkle

Katy sleeping on Daddy.

Katy sleeping on Aunt Anna.

Katy sleeping on G-Pop. Wait, is G-Pop sleeping too?

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Katy's first babysitter

Yesterday, G-Pop came over to stay with Katy while I went to do my 2-hour postpartum glucose tolerance test. I sat in the waiting room at the lab all morning, wracked by visions of Katy crying red-faced for her mommy. And this is a picture of what I saw when I walked in the door. Whew! Apparently, Katy was a happy girl while I was gone. She did some playing, some sleeping on G-Pop's chest, and drank from her bottle. After I came home, G-Pop took Katy for a walk while I paid bills. What a nice treat for me! Thanks, G-Pop!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beware: The Pink Pants-ter!

We like to call Katy the Pink Pants-ter when she wears her pink pants.

She had her first bottle of breastmilk today, and apparently took to it happily. I was in the shower, so I missed it, but she drank about 2.5 oz. and Daddy said she looked up into his face the whole time. Aw!!

Speaking of Daddy, here are some pics of Katy and her dad in their CB West gear...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Ladies

After a long walk in the woods; a trip to Poor Richards, where we finally got a spice rack; and lunch a Capri, Bethany snuggles her sleeping daughter. So cute!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School!

It's Daddy's first day at his new job, teaching high school! Mommy and Katy are at home, and Katy was looking so cute that Mommy had to take a couple pictures. The first one is a yawn, even though it looks like The Scream.