Saturday, August 25, 2007


Katy has had tons of visits from her grandparents this week. First, Grandpa came to play with her over the weekend and to play some Yahtzee with Mommy and Daddy. Then Nana came for a few days during the week and carried a sleeping Katy around the grocery store while Mommy got some shopping done. And last night, Katy went to her first nice restaurant with Grammy, G-Pop, Aunt Anna, Daddy and Mommy. She slept through the whole meal, except for a brief interlude of fussiness, which was cured by being rocked outside by her G-Pop. Aunt Anna got her a pretty shirt from Mexico! She's looking forward to next weekend, when she will have the opportunity to see her Uncle Jarrod and Aunt Kristen again, and maybe even Nana and Grandpa. What a popular girl!

Now she is upstairs having some morning time with Daddy (brave girl - he hasn't had his coffee yet!) while Mommy is having breakfast. We have no plans this weekend other than playing with our little girlie! :)

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