Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A cool summer evening, and a busy morning

We are going through a wonderful stretch of cool weather, which coincides nicely with the first week of school. My head is filled with autumn leaves, wool hats, turkey dinners, and pumpkin cheesecake!

On the first cool night, we lit a fire in the chiminea on our deck.
Fozzie locates and picks the one ripe tomato on the vine.
Toasty warm!
"Fozzie, I keep trying to get a picture of you and the fire, but you keep looking away, and I'm starting to get frustrated. Just put your hands on my leg and look at the camera!" (Now why didn't I ask her to do that in the first place?)
Fozzie dances around with the tomato, which ends up being thrown off the deck and suffering various other abuses, and is eventually thrown in the trash.
Fozzie helps Mommy juice some "clementimes" for the pork chop marinade this morning.
Marching boldly from the big guy swings to the baby swings.
Swinging on the baby swing for a few minutes.
And then back to the big guy swings for some belly swinging.