Thursday, December 24, 2009

Katy 2.5

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

In Mommy's hat
With Uncle Jarrod
Thanksgiving dinner

Fingerpainting - always a favorite!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some Cute Pictures from this Fall

Carving a pumpkin.

Making pizza with daddy.
Bathing beauty

What Fozzie calls a "bear in a duck suit."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Long overdue Halloween pics

Katy was Fozzie, as you can imagine. Here she is in the costume Gabby made for her.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reading Terminal Market

Today we went to Reading Terminal Market.

Here are Fozzie and I eating some Indian food. She really loved the chana masala. Yum!

Daddy gets his boots shined.
And so does Fozzie! After the guy finished shining her boots, she asked him to do it again.

A big ole pumpkin. 170 lbs.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A cool summer evening, and a busy morning

We are going through a wonderful stretch of cool weather, which coincides nicely with the first week of school. My head is filled with autumn leaves, wool hats, turkey dinners, and pumpkin cheesecake!

On the first cool night, we lit a fire in the chiminea on our deck.
Fozzie locates and picks the one ripe tomato on the vine.
Toasty warm!
"Fozzie, I keep trying to get a picture of you and the fire, but you keep looking away, and I'm starting to get frustrated. Just put your hands on my leg and look at the camera!" (Now why didn't I ask her to do that in the first place?)
Fozzie dances around with the tomato, which ends up being thrown off the deck and suffering various other abuses, and is eventually thrown in the trash.
Fozzie helps Mommy juice some "clementimes" for the pork chop marinade this morning.
Marching boldly from the big guy swings to the baby swings.
Swinging on the baby swing for a few minutes.
And then back to the big guy swings for some belly swinging.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monthly visit to MD

Fozzie enjoying her lemon at breakfast.
I think we've already mentioned to everyone that Katy has re-named herself Fozzie. It started as an occasional role she liked to play, but now she insists on being called Fozzie all the time. Grandpa surprised her by giving her a Fozzie hand-puppet that used to belong to my brothers and me when we were little. She was in LOVE.

I met up with some old high school friends, Katie, Rob, and Jeddy. I hadn't seen Rob and Jeddy in at least a decade! We brought all our kids together for a playdate. I thought I had forgotten my camera, but I found it in my purse at McDonald's.

Here are Connor, Katy, Mabel, and Robbie.
Blaine slept through dinner. Luckily, he had already eaten.
Katy and Mabel looking gorgeous.
I love the look on Robbie's face in this picture.
Jeddy entertaining Ruby.
Rob and Katie, plus Mabel and Ruby.
Here they are again, posing for the camera this time.
Katy sits on Jed's lap for a french fry or two.
Katy and her cousin Jessica have matching shoes!
Katy and her cousin Nicolas mow the driveway with extremely gender-specific toy lawnmowers.
But they refused to be confined by traditional gender roles.
Fozzie in her cousins' playroom.
Jessica lookin' cute.
Jessica shows Katy her books.

All three kids eating dinner out on the deck.
It's Brayden (Nicolas and Jessica's cousin on their mama's side)!
Fozzie relaxing with her Uncle Brian.
Nicolas and Jessica play on the loveseat while Shelly supervises.
Nicolas is a mini-Brian!