Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Over Thanksgiving, we took a trip to Maryland. We stayed at Bethany's parents' house and ate dinner on Thanksgiving at Brian and Shelly's. We visitied Jarrod and Kristen on Friday evening where we played with the chinches before going out to dinner. On Saturday, Katy and Daddy visited Grammy, G-Pop and Aunt Anna while Mommy worked.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another Grandpa Weekend!

I didn't have to work Friday or Saturday, so I got to spend lots of time with my dad. Of course, he was more interested in Katy than anything else. When Katy went to sleep, so did Dad. Although I noticed he did stay awake for some Man Vs. Wild, which he claims not to like.

Then Sunday night, we went to our friends' house for dinner. Katy and Carl had lots of fun together. Of course, we were never quick enough to get the really cute stuff on film, like when Katy had his arm around Carl's shoulders (more for support than anything else, I think, although it looked like friendship), or when Katy was chasing him around trying to kiss him because someone said the word "kiss."

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My latest trick

100% wool. Warm and comfy for my man.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Did we forget to mention...?

..that Katy is walking now? She started really walking just a few days before Halloween, right around the day she turned 15 months. Amazingly, I don't think we video-taped it or blogged about it yet. Here she is wandering around with a couple of pieces of felt that I cut some shapes out of for her. Instead of playing with her very exciting felt board made by her extremely crafty and thoughtful mother, she quickly became attached to the scraps of felt that she thought seemed a lot like purses. She carried them around for what seemed like HOURS, saying "Purse! Purse!"

Please try to ignore my annoying habit of repeating everything Katy says. Oh, and the very last thing she says is "Kiss!" It's one of her favorite words.

And for those of you who liked the story of Toots the Horse, it gets better. When you ask her, "Katy, where's Toots?" she points at the horse's butt. He he.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Post-Election Day Glow

Here's Katy on Wednesday with her post-Election Day glow. She was so glad to see a Democrat back in office.

Yesterday, we went hiking at a local park.

And I have no pictures or videos for this one, but it's a cute story. Katy knows the word "toot" for when she passes gas. Last night, she passed gas, and said "Toot!" but pointed at her daddy. She blamed her toot on her dad! Zach says that earlier, while I was at work, she had blamed a toot on her new stuffed horse, earning it the name Toots.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What Happens When Mommy and Daddy Try to Share a Tender Moment

Did You Know They Make These?

Not long ago we took a trip to the hospital for Katy's breathing thing (see the post called RAD!). Anyway, I didn't know they made baby hospital gowns. While these ER trips are always a stressful experience, it sure was cute...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

By the way...

Happy Halloween!

Katy was a ladybug, as you can see! Thanks, Grammy, for another great costume!
Katy and her buddy Carl

Mommy was working on the big night, so Grammy, G-Pop, and Aunt Anna kept the Kate-ster and Daddy company.