Sunday, May 25, 2008

Long weekend

What beautiful weather for a long weekend with Daddy at home!

On Saturday, the Memorial Day parade went right past our house. Katy was napping and missed it, but Mommy and Daddy enjoyed it.

Today we spent some time sitting out back on the deck.

When Aunt Anna came over for dinner, Mommy had a chance to finally finish making the laptop bag for her birthday!

We went for an after-dinner constitutional (that means "walk", according to Zach), and we stopped by at the swings, as usual. If you can maximize the last swing picture - you can see her tooth!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today we had another little trip to the emergency room with our little wheezer. She came down with a cold Tuesday night, and by the time Zach got home from work today (Thursday), she had gotten much worse and was working really hard to breathe. Even in the steamy bathroom (which we do for her every few hours when she's sick), she was breathing almost 70 times per minute. We called the doctor, talked over her symptoms, and they told us to take her to the ER.

They gave her Albuterol through a nebulizer, took x-rays (infection in lower right lung), and watched her for a few hours. She seemed to respond well to the treatment, but the doctor gave us a nebulizer to take home with us. It's ours to keep (thanks to our health insurance), and we're to use it every 4 hours when she's wheezing. We also got antibiotics for her.

We asked if she has asthma. The doctor said that they don't diagnose asthma in kids under 2 or 3 because they can't cooperate to do the tests. However, she appears to have RAD (Reactive Airway Disorder). Isn't there always some acronym for everything? This simply means that when she gets sick, it tends to go straight to her lungs and give her trouble breathing. The respiratory therapist also said we might want to think about having her tested for pet allergies.

Mercifully, after being nebulized and nursed, she is sleeping peacefully right now. We are all extremely sleep-deprived after 2 nights of little to no sleep.

In other news, my dear uncle miraculously survived what could very well have been a fatal car accident with a tractor trailer. He is slightly bruised up, but no broken bones, and not one stitch! His car was found underneath the tractor trailer, and they needed to cut him out with the jaws of life. We are so thankful that he survived.

And speaking of cars, this weekend we replaced our gas-guzzling (albeit well-loved) Isuzu Trooper with a 2004 Nissan Sentra. The gas prices are just killing us.

And with that, I am going to try and get some sleep.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

cute pics

Monday was cold and rainy, so I turned on the heat. Big Fat Jane snuggled up to the vent, hogging all the heat. Typical.

Taking faithfully after her parents, Katy leaves a trail of books behind her wherever she goes.

Katy loves to feed herself. It's great, because now we can eat our meal without having to feed her - she just sits and eats right along with us! We were amazed last night at how much she was eating (bananas and avocado). That is, until we removed the high-chair tray and saw the bottom half of her bib! So THAT's why she kept asking for more!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cottage cheese and shoes!

Katy tried a new food today. One of my personal favorites: cottage cheese! There are some famous pictures of Katy's mommy eating cottage cheese (although it looks like I'm really stuffing it up my nose). I will try to find them. In the meantime, here's Kate trying it out. She loves it!

And another first - shoes! With monkeys on them!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

A walk in the park and... the boob

We took a walk in the park on Tuesday when Daddy came home from work. As usual, we did a bit of swinging...

But this time we tried something new!

And Mommy finished knitting the boob. It has now been donated to the local chapter of La Leche League, as a mascot, demonstration model, and conversation piece.

Silly Daddy, boobs are for mommies!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

This Sunday Katy went to her first baseball game with Mommy, Daddy, Grammy, G-Pop, and Aunt Anna. She loved being out in the crowd but got tired as the game wore on. Here are the highlights.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

A Forward Gear and a Steering Wheel!

Well, this actually started last weekend, with her desperate attempts to reach the Photoshop 5.0 manual. But we kept it under wraps until we captured it on video. It's true, folks. She's moving forward with purpose, and our lives will never be the same.

A Trip to Maryland - and Nana

Nana visited from Idaho, we went to Aunt Shelly's shower for Baby Jessica, and Katy played with her new favorite toy (Grandpa's manual for Photoshop 5.0).